City Hall Rotterdam
In the Council Chamber of the city of Rotterdam, Jacot installed a conference system consisting of 60 conference positions implemented under the brass worksheets. Besides the regular meeting facilities, the system also features a vote functionality of which the result can be shown on the two professional 65-inch LCD screens. The system also has a card reader that allows participants to identify themselves by means of an ID card. To facilitate the central controlling Jacot installed two touch screens, one for the president and one for the Registrar.
While ensuring the monumental character of the Council Chamber, Jacot enforced two speakers to provide both the Chamber and the public gallery of sound. The two speakers are completely hidden behind the wall covering. The conference system is connected to an HD camera registration system which displays the name, function and party logo of the speaker when pressing the speakers button. The recordings can be streamed to the internal TV distribution system of the municipality of Rotterdam and is also available for the people at home via a webcast.
The result; a hyper modern audio-visual system implemented in the historic Council Chamber of Rotterdam.
Tags: DCN, Automated camera registration, Discussion and conference solutions