Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 1

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 1

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 2

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 2

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 3

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 3

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 4

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 4

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 5

Fotograaf: Michael van Oosten 5


FIFPro is the international organization representing the interest of professional footbalplayers worldwide. Park 20 | 20 is the new cradle-to-cradle business park in Haarlemmermeer, where FIFPro chose to realize its new headquarters together with VCCS. For this project FIFPro looked for a proactive partner to give substance to the audiovisual facilities. From day one, Jacot set itself as a target to exceed the expectations of FIFPro in terms of quality, functionality and appearance.

The activities within FIFPro are quite diverse and offer many oppertunities for audiovisual support. As a system integrator, this was an excellent opportunity to apply our expertise in its best form. Nearly all AV disciplines were implemented: Full HD projection, conference and interpretation systems, automatic camera control, audio and video distribution using the Crestron DigitalMedia control system interactive touch screen controls.

The most prominent part of the project is the Auditorium, which has room for 150 participants. It contains an impressive full HD projection system provided with a projection width of up to 4.50 meters wide. In addition to the congress units that are used in a forum setup, FIFPro House also offers listeners the opportunity to actively participate in the discussion. Jacot has developed a customized provided developed solution, in the form of a microphone which has the talk button integrated in the seats.

In the Auditorium Jacot implemented a automated camera registration system by means of four rotatable Full HD cameras, which automatically put the speaker into focus by activating a microphone. The exterior of the building is characterized by a large screen LED screen, where Jacot has provided the signal for distribution and control.

Because of the international nature of FIFPro a reliable interpretation installation is of the utmost importance. Behind the Auditorium provision were made for the interpreters, translation and monitor posts. The interpretations will be listened through an infrared language distribution system through the Integrus.

The Boardroom is a special construction that seems to hang in a vacuum. Naturally the most important discussions are held in this room. In order to run this smoothly and well organized 20 Concentus congress units were installed, which are sunk into the table, which gives it a finishing touch. In the Boardroom, there are translation facilities for two interpreters. The entire control system can be readily accomplished by means of a central control system via a wireless touch screen.

In order to conference on a global level and at distance FIFPro had a strong need for a videoconferencing system or rather a Telepresence room, with the illusion that you and your partner are sitting at a table. This required two displays from Sharp, with each 70 inch screen diagonal applied.

Both Jacot and FIFPro are very pleased and proud of the results and consider this project as the start of a closer and long-term cooperation.

Tags: Discussie- en vergaderapparatuur

More? Please contact:

Werner Raben

Sales Manager
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Phone: +31 (0)6 - 397 777 32