Nuclear Security Summit 2014
The Nuclear Security Summit 2014 (NSS2014) is the most extensive and important international congress ever held in the Netherlands. During the Nuclear Security Summit on March 24 and 25 2014, The Hague was transformed into an International Zone, with the highest security levels and the highest state of alert. During this summit The Hague welcomed 58 world leaders in a completely rebuilt World Forum. In the World Forum the Hague provided an international platform for the discussion of nuclear safety issues. Jacot proved of being able to offer complex solutions with flexible usage, that satisfied all the needs of the organization. The audio-visual facilities as listed below, were specially developed and implemented redundantly.
The large plenary room in which world leaders gathered contained high tech multimedia discussion equipment with an integrated voting solution and automatic camera registration, translation and distribution techniques, four wide-screen projection and sound solutions. The informal meeting room where world the leaders were briefly for a relaxed atmosphere consultation, contained high tech discussion equipment with automatic camera registration, translation technique and distribution, monitors and sound system. A third meeting room for all ministers was fitted with discussion equipment and a sound system.
Additionally, Jacot hosted the digital image distribution of the plenary and informal meetings to more than 100 delegations' offices. This was organized with a television network consiting 25 television channels from which 19 languages (translated by interpreters) channels, five cable television channels (CNN, NPO1, Al Jazeera, BBC World) and an information channel. The digital image distribution of the opening and closing ceremony of the plenary session was transfered to the NOB and the temporal media park in The Hague.
Tags: DCN, Multimedia, Narrowcasting, Automated camera registration, Discussion and conference solutions, Translation booths